Privacy Policy

In this Privacy Policy:

Retail Express (or we/us/our) means Retail Express International Pty Ltd and Retail Express Services Pty Ltd. Website means the domain name and any sub-domains.

Commitment to privacy

Retail Express is genuinely committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, manage and use the personal information we gather from our potential and current customers, suppliers, clients and anyone else who might access the Website or use our services. Our Privacy Policy deals with:

  • how we collect information;
  • how we use and disclose any information we collect;
  • how we protect the personal information we collect;
  • how you can access the personal information we may hold about you;
  • how to make a complaint about a privacy breach under this policy; and
  • how we will deal with breach of privacy complaints.

We value your privacy, and as such, we have taken the necessary precautions to comply with the Privacy Act 1988A (Cth).

Collecting personal information

We collect personal information for a number of reasons, however the main reasons why we may collect personal information from you are:

  • to process transactions;
  • to improve our Website and customer service by receiving feedback on our products and services;
  • to assist us in responsibly marketing our products;
  • to assist in the preparation and co-ordination of the newsletters and product updates that we send from time to time;
  • so that we can communicate with our customers, suppliers and other persons or organisations that we do business with;
  • to run competitions and promotions; and
  • to generate aggregated statistical information for commercial purposes.

We may collect personal information from you in a number of different ways for example:

  • when you purchase or utilise any of our products;
  • when you subscribe to our newsletter or other similar publications;
  • when you request information from us about our products and services;
  • if you enter one of our competitions or promotions; or
  • if you fill out any of our surveys or marketing material.

Using your personal information

By using our Website, purchasing any of our products or using our services you agree that in respect of any of your personal information received by us:

  • we will be entitled to record that information and use it in accordance with this policy;
  • we may use that information to contact you about our products and support services or to provide you with general information about us;
  • we may provide your personal information to our technical service providers for the purpose of operating the Website; and
  • we may use the information we collect from you for the purposes of improving our products or services, or to collect information for the purposes of statistical or marketing analysis.

Personal information collected by us for the above purposes may be distributed globally. Apart from the circumstances set out above, unless required by law, we will not disclose any personal information we collect from you without your specific consent.

Changing and accessing information

If you wish to change or update any of your personal information or you wish to access the personal information we hold about you please contact us and we will arrange for this to occur. We will endeavour to respond to your request within 14 days. You may be charged a fee for access to this information.

Commercial Communications

In accordance with the terms of this policy we may communicate with you to provide information about our products, support services and ongoing training, special offers, promotions or other matters that we believe may be of interest to you. We will not send third party advertising information to you without first asking you whether you want to receive this information. If you are receiving communications from us and you no longer wish to receive these communications please contact us and inform us that you wish to unsubscribe.

How we secure your personal information

We will take reasonable steps to keep the information we collect about you secure and to prevent unauthorised access to this information. However, we cannot give any guarantees or warranties about the security of your information and we will not be held liable for any loss or damage that you may suffer as a result of any unauthorised access to your information.

Use of cookies

Cookies are pieces of text that are transferred into the memory of your computer to store preferences, record session information and collect information on how you visit and access our Website. The use of cookies can improve the efficiency of your navigation of our Website and generally assist in our quest to provide services to you in the most convenient and prompt manner.

Credit related information

Retail Express may use personal information to assess your credit situation when you apply for some products. We might ask you for information about yourself and then seek a credit report from a credit reporting agency. We’ll always tell you before we seek a credit report, and we won’t get one if you’re under 18. The credit report provided by a credit reporting agency may include information like your employment history, previous credit checks, any problems you’ve had paying bills and whether those issues were resolved. Retail Express uses this information to assess whether we’re entering into an arrangement that is sensible for both you and us. After you become a client, we store the crucial bits of information from the credit report and our own credit assessment. We may continue to use this information to manage credit, and to make sure we’re offering and providing the right services to you. Retail Express doesn’t use credit related information to generate marketing lists. Sometimes, we might ask a credit reporting agency to do that for us. You can ask the credit reporting agency not to use your information for these purposes by getting in touch with them directly. Retail Express works with client service partners inside and outside Australia. Where necessary, we give our partners access to the credit information they need to help manage credit and your services. You can get access to credit related information we hold about you, ask us to correct it, or make a complaint, as described elsewhere in this policy. If we agree that our records need to be corrected, and we’ve previously disclosed that information to a credit reporting agency or other person, we’ll tell them about the correction too. You can ask the credit reporting agencies not to use or disclose the information in their files if you think you have been or are likely to become a victim of fraud. You can find out more about the credit reporting agencies Retail Express works with at and Their websites give their contact details and their policies about the management of your personal information.

Privacy complaints

If you consider there is a legitimate dispute between us and you in respect of a breach of this Privacy Policy, you must first go through the following dispute resolution process before the commencement of any arbitration or other legal proceedings:

  • you must give us notice in writing setting out full details of the dispute;
  • to resolve the dispute, we will engage in negotiations and discussions with you in order to seek to resolve the dispute. You must participate in the negotiations and discussions in good faith and we will use all reasonable endeavours to resolve the dispute;
  • if the dispute cannot be resolved within one month of negotiations and discussions commencing, you may request that the dispute be referred to mediation upon providing a written undertaking to bear all costs involved in the mediation;
  • if the parties to the dispute cannot agree on a mediator within seven days after a request, the president of the Queensland Law Society Inc or that presidents nominee may appoint a mediator; and
  • unless agreed by the mediator and the parties, the mediation must be held within fifteen days of a request for the dispute to be referred to
  • mediation and must occur on the Sunshine Coast unless otherwise agreed.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change, modify or amend our Privacy Policy at any time by updating this policy on our Website or by other means without any other form of notice. If we are of the belief that any change to our policy will materially affect our customers, we will provide notice of the change(s) that have occurred.

Contact us

Please direct all queries about this Privacy Policy, information regarding the retention of your personal details and complaints to Retail Express: via email to or via post to BOX 942, Mooloolaba, Queensland 4557