A game changing omni-channel solution for Franchise & Buying Groups.

Launch a consistently branded eCommerce presence with both member autonomy and HQ oversight.

Drive more sales opportunities for each member with a better performing eCommerce store.

Consistently deliver the best in-store experience with an intuitive POS solution.

Maintain precise live stock levels across all members and sales channels.

Introduce best practice omni-channel experiences like Instant Click & Collect and Live Stock-In-Store.

Easily implement drop shipping from your suppliers and other 3rd parties.

#1 POS Software in Australia & New Zealand

  • In-Store Point of Sale
  • Integrated eCommerce
  • Streamlined Inventory Management
  • Customer CRM and Marketing
  • Smart, Automated Fulfilment
  • Powerful Loyalty and Retention
  • Advanced Reporting and Insights

Marketplace Solution for Omni-Channel Success

Connect multiple Retail Express databases to one eCommerce store

Dropship from third parties

Endless aisle offering

Product Information Management (PIM)

Community management system

Extensive range of integrations

Build the customer experience & sales machine you and your members have always wanted…

Delivering a consistent customer experience across a member-based business model is often challenging and results in missed sales. Particularly when each member uses different POS systems and tries to create their own eCommerce store with different processes and user experiences.  

You know you want to level-up, but disparate software and siloed data are holding you back.

That’s why you need Retail Express and Marketplacer.

Create a unified eCommerce and in-store presence amongst all your members stores.

With Retail Express & Marketplacer, all your members can be connected into one unified eCommerce store and POS software solution.

Consumers can visit a single, professionally presented website, search for products and see live stock availability and prices in their local stores. When the order is fulfilled, revenue is recognised by the local store (group member).

Members have autonomy to manage their own presence within the eCommerce site, whilst head office gets unified customer data and insights.

A full range of omni-channel fulfilment options can be presented including home delivery, Instant Click & Collect and in-store purchase.

Instantly introduce intelligent drop-shipping

Directly connect your eCommerce store to your suppliers stock to drive sales of products you don’t even hold inventory for across your network. Test new product ranges then add them to your in-store network if they have decent sell through rates.

Centralised HQ visibility and consistent brand experiences

Deliver a consistently branded and seamless customer experience across all channels

Provide best value and revenue opportunities for your members with a professional, optimum ecommerce presence delivered for them

Maximise sales potential and offer shoppers more choice by offering all of your members stores stock online

Centralise data for better insights, merchandise planning, inventory optimisation and marketing campaigns

Simplify data and software management through one integrated solution

Avoid members competing against each other for the same search terms and audiences in digital advertising which causes rising bid costs

Delight your network members and customers


Gain better customer reach and more sales through a professionally presented and search optimised online presence that is promoted nationwide and has more products listed

Still have the option to publish unique stock only offered in your store

Offer your customers the seamless omni-channel experience they now demand


Enjoy a consistently branded and seamless customer experience that maximises choice and convenience

Change is hard. We get it.

We believe migrating to new software should NOT mean putting your business on hold.

  • We give you an Australian-based personal Success Manager to remotely onboard you and guide you through the entire process.
  • Our team will help format and import your data and get you up and running!

For over 16 years we’ve helped over 5,000 retailers launch, grow and scale. And now, as part of Maropost, our offerings are about to get even better.

Get all inclusive, best-in-class support from local retail experts.

Our support team is made of retail experts based in Australia. Get fast, reliable all-inclusive support. Because we believe in partnerships, not transactions.

Expert Support

Phone and email support from retail experts

Phone and email support from retail experts

Retail Express was made
by retailers, for retailers.

Retail Express powers thousands of Australian and New Zealand retail stores with advanced POS software. We give retailers the tools they need to accelerate their growth and succeed in today’s hypercompetitive retail terrain.

For over 16 years, Retail Express has supported over 5,263 retailers and drivenover $50 bn in AU and NZ retailsales through a combination of advanced software features, outstanding support and unparalleled industry expertise.

Grow your business with Marketplacer and Retail Express

Cut down on the duplicate work and meet your customers wherever they are. Reduce lost sales and double your margins with Retail Express.

“Retail Express and NetSuite presented the most cash-flow friendly, cost-effective way for us to get all the functionality we will need out-of-the box.”

— Grant Mayo, Nutrition Warehouse

Get started with a free demo