Using an Inventory Management Software To Manage Stock and Boost Profits

min read


Jan 1, 1970

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Still using an antiquated method for your stock control system? It is time you consider an inventory management software solution. Doing so will not only make your life much easier, but it will lead to a healthy injection of profit to your business.

Minimise Costs

In the long term, inventory management systems will save your company a big wad of cash, no question about it. If you are still using a structure that is heavy on the paperwork, then you are seriously lagging behind. It creates mountains of additional processes, systems are not adequately synced and your stock will not be at optimal levels. Modern POS solutions from companies such as Retail Express offer software that will reinvent your management system, ensuring your business runs smoothly from top to bottom. You will see the impact in your next annual report, guaranteed.


Scale Your Business

Do you feel like your internal processes are handcuffing your ability to grow your business? It is likely that you are using a dinosaur of a system that simply does not cater to scaling. The right software solution will streamline your entire production planning cycle, meaning that you can crank things up a notch at a moment’s notice. You will not need to install additional servers, computers or alter formulas in complicated Excel spread sheets.

Easy Transactions Means More Sales!

Customers will not jump through hoops just to buy an item from you. It is important you make the buying process user-friendly. Customers that are interested in your products should be able to pay in the way they want, not the other way around. An effective POS solution will allow sales staff to process payments easily, quickly and economically. You should be able to accept a range of payment methods, whether it is over the phone, in person or through an App.

Point of Sales Systems: Buying Checklist

So you are convinced and keen to get your hands on a retail software solution that works? The following guidelines should help kick-start your search for the right fit.

Tip 1: Ecommerce Integration

Even if you do not have an ecommerce website running right now, there is every chance that you are going to need one in the future. Remember, it is important to think about what you need now as well as in the long-term. Ecommerce is already an integral part of most retail businesses and it is very likely that you will need to incorporate an online system into your workflow at some point. Ensure your chosen product offers seamless integration, as well as syncing between POS systems.

Tip 2: Mobile POS System

These days, tablets are a common feature of the modern shop floor. We expect this to become even more relevant in the coming years. Your chosen POS software should be fully compatible with emerging technologies such as Android tablets and iPads.

Tip 3: Uncomplicated Software

Some point of sale solutions are incredibly difficult for the average staff member to use. Without extensive training, staff on the shop floor will be clueless and unable to work with the software. Always do extensive testing of the stock control system prior to purchase. You want to guarantee that novices will be able to jump on a given device and get started almost immediately with basic tasks. Having to invest in time-consuming training is not going to save your business time or money.

Looking to fast track your growth with a smarter Retail POS System? Contact the Retail Express team today on 1300 732 618.

We make switching to cloud POS easy

Our Retail Express onboarding and support team have all had professional experience as retailers and know the challenges you face. That's why it's our priority to ensure switching to our cloud-based POS software is easy.

  • Personal Support Manager: You'll have your own Australian-based Personal Success Manager who'll guide you through the process step-by-step. All costs included. They'll help format and import your data, get you up and running, guide you with your hardware and help with everything associated with set-up.
  • 5-Star ongoing support: Once you're set up, the support doesn't stop. We're renowned for our Australian-based customer support. Each of our experts has professional retail experience and knows the issues you face. Forget being palmed off to a help manual — you'll be individually cared for until we fix your problem, every time.
  • Knowledge Base, Training Academy & webinars: You'll have access to a comprehensive Knowledge Base with all instructions, a video library, Training Academy and more.
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